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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to Stop Foreclosure

This blog is meant to offer you tips and advice on things to consider for stopping or delaying foreclosure. I am not an attorney, nor do I claim to be an attorney. If you are going through the foreclosure process, it is best that you get legal representation and speak with an attorney.

The most straight forward way to stop foreclosure is to pay-off your mortgage, but more than likely, you don't have a rich uncle to help you out, and there's a good chance that your mortgage is underwater---meaning that you owe more on your house than what you could sell it for.

If that's the case, there's a few options you should consider--to delay or stop the foreclosure process.

1 comment:

  1. The best way to prevent foreclosure comes from educating yourself about how foreclosure works and knowing your best options. This should bring to light your choices available and definitely will help alleviate your stress by learning so what can and will not happen when you are dealing with a foreclosure. Knowledge of the topic of foreclosure will assist you to prevent foreclosure scams and various costly mistakes.

    Foreclosure Attorney Ocala


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