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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stop Foreclosure--Show the Note

One strategy that borrowers can do to delay or stop foreclosure is to go to court and ask the lender to "Produce the note" or "Show the note"

The borrower needs to request the lender to "produce the note" in order to have the lending institution prove that they own the debt. There have been cases of homeowners getting foreclosed on by 2 different mortgage companies--each thinking that they have the first lien on the property.

This isn't a way to stay in your house for free, but can work as a bargaining chip to negotiate a workable payment plan with the mortgage company and stop your foreclosure.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I like the part about produce-the-note. I live in Tampa and know one person he helped, and it actually worked. Well it did not work like some of the newspapers reporting, but they did get new terms that were very favorable and they were able to avoid foreclosure. It really varries by situation and probably the laws of your state on how far this goes. This site has all the videos they have done. Watch all the videos here:


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